What’s going on here? New optometry clinic proposed on Centre Street in Alliston

What’s going on here? New optometry clinic proposed on Centre Street in Alliston

All eyes are on a vacant piece of land that could soon be home to a new optometry clinic in Alliston.

Just the facts:

• A minor variance application has been approved to adjust the maximum lot coverage to permit a new building to be constructed at the Centre Street, just south of the Shoppers Drug Mart parking lot.

• The application was submitted to increase the maximum lot coverage from 70 per cent to 81 per cent to allow for the construction of new building for the New Tecumseth Optometry Clinic.

• The purpose of the increase was to better accommodate and serve the clients and patients.

• The town’s lot coverage standard of 70 per cent is meant to “maintain an appropriate balance of open space and buildings on the property” while also allowing natural areas to provide storm water run-off. However, the town’s planning department considers the increase “minor in nature” and didn’t object to the application.

• The property is designated downtown core commercial and clinics/health care facilities are permitted uses.

• It is zoned urban commercial core and a health service facility is permitted within that designation

• Normally the town requires clinics to provide six parking spaces, but the applicant will provide two and compensate the town for the remaining spaces in cash-in-lieu of parking. Clients will be able to use the municipal parking lot across the street.

• The applicant has yet to submit a site plan application, which will address various engineering matters.

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